CovidSafe Plan
Parents are required to read and adhere to these new rules to help keep our gymnasts and staff safe.
We thank you for assisting us.
Sydney Gymnastics Factory has made some changes to our classes to stop the spread of Covid 19.
We are following Gymnastics Australia regulations for hygiene, health, safety, social distancing, class structure, spotting, cleaning and disinfecting protocols, etc. All can be found on their website: rebooting gymnastics.
With the guidance of Gymnastics NSW we will tweak it as time goes on to ensure they continue to adhere to Government policies.
We have amended class structure to adhere to social distancing requirements. This will include participation aspects, coaching guidelines (minimal spotting) and our drop off/pick up guidelines.
Drop off: Please drop your child off and be ready to pick them up ten minutes prior to class ending. We will be staggering the class changeover times to assist with covidsafe rules. Please note that during this time our 4 pm class will be ready to finish earlier (4:55 pm) than end time of 5 pm and 5 pm class will commence 5 minutes later at 5:05 pm for the moment. Our Pre-levels class remains uninterrupted.
Please note that during class we will allow time for cleaning between skills and athletes. We may ask our gymnasts to assist us in doing so.
We would like all participating gymnasts to be ready in their gymnastics attire before arriving at our club so that we can limit time close to other participants.
We will still allow use to cubicles to keep water bottles and personal items. Note that our taps/bubblers will be off-limits for the meantime. Ensure your child has a water bottle (filled) before arriving to gymnastics. We ask that children use bathroom facilities prior to coming to gymnastics also.
Unfortunately at this time parents and non participants are asked to remain outside and not enter the gym. Please see staff on drop off if you need to speak with us prior to class commencing. Parents are asked to keep their children safe and abide by 1.5 m social distancing rule around the club premises.
We will be limiting the number of children per coach and adhere to social distancing within the gym. We will have pre-registration so that we can account for the number of children in the club at any one time.
Stay home if unwell. To keep each other safe please do not come to gymnastics if you or your family have any symptoms of a cough, cold , flu or fever or even if you have been out of state within 2 weeks. You will be asked to leave and cleared of a Covid19 test before returning to the club.
We will be adhering to good hand hygiene measures to prevent the virus from spreading. We are also sanitising hands and feet throughout the class.
All members will adhere to the rules stipulated around the club.
Please ensure that you drop off your child in their gymnastics attire by class commencement time and that they bring along a filled water bottle. We ask that for the near future that gymnasts limit bringing other belongings to class (ex: bags, musical instruments, etc.), although this may change.
We will be asking gymnasts to adhere to the 1.5 m social distancing measures outside as well as indoors so keep a safe distance away from other gymnasts on the way in.
Participants will be greeted by a coach managing the entryway to ensure drop offs are swift and individuals have the ability to organise themselves before the next person and entering the gym room. All members will be recorded and asked if they have any symptoms as mentioned above.
Note for Advanced gymnastics and Tumbling/Acrobatic class: your class will commence at latest 5:05 pm in order to facilitate a smooth flow of pedestrian traffic within our club. It is a small gym and we are adhering to these policies to stop the spread.
Please be ready to collect your child 10 minutes prior to regular class ending time for the near future as we have to stagger the exit/entry for upcoming classes.
Parents are to remain outside ready to collect their child, and keeping within the 1.5 m social distancing range.
Your child will be taken to the door individually to be collected by parent by their coach. Please note that we expect parents to meet child, and not to stay in their vehicles for health and safety reasons.